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L’analisi delle tecnologie utilizzate dai malfattori ci permette di trarre conclusioni su possibili vettori dello sviluppo del settore dei virus affinché possiamo affrontare le minacce future in modo ancora più efficace. Scoprite anche voi come funzionano in sistemi infetti determinati programmi malevoli e come affrontarli.
A family of malicious programs for Android that employ code obfuscation.
They are distributed with the help of advertising messages displayed in legitimate applications downloaded from various sources, including Google Play.
Usually, Trojans belonging to the Android.Bodkel family are disguised as update packages. However, they can also be distributed as games, Flash players, or applications for saving battery power.
When launched, these malicious programs prompt the user to grant them administrative privileges. If this attempt is successful, Trojans remove their shortcuts to conceal themselves from the user. If the attempt fails, these malicious programs will continue to prompt the user to grant them higher privileges until they succeed.
The main purpose of these malicious applications is to steal data from the user's contact list and to covertly send SMS messages. Moreover, Trojans of the Android.Bodkel family upload to the remote server at xx.xx.115.154 various device-related information (IMEI, mobile network operator, OS version, installed applications, and other data).
To remove these malicious programs, the user needs to revoke administrator privileges granted to the malware. However, these Trojans will try to prevent the user from completing the procedure by informing them that all the data stored on the device will be permanently lost.
Secondo le statistiche ogni quinto programma per SO Android contiene una vulnerabilità (ovvero un "buco"), il che permette ai malfattori di introdurre con successo trojan mobili sui dispositivi e di eseguire le azioni richieste.
Auditor di sicurezza in Dr.Web per Android farà la diagnostica e l’analisi della sicurezza del dispositivo mobile, proporrà soluzioni per risolvere i problemi e le vulnerabilità rilevate.