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L’analisi delle tecnologie utilizzate dai malfattori ci permette di trarre conclusioni su possibili vettori dello sviluppo del settore dei virus affinché possiamo affrontare le minacce future in modo ancora più efficace. Scoprite anche voi come funzionano in sistemi infetti determinati programmi malevoli e come affrontarli.
A family of Trojans that encrypt files demanding a ransom for decryption of compromised data. They can encrypt archives, graphics files, documents, movie and music files, and files of other types (for example, .rar, .zip, .arj, .jzip, .jpg, .psd, .doc, .xls, .ppt, .pdf, .mp3, .ogg, .avi, .mpeg, .html, .mht, .bas, .cdx, .psw, .txt, .php, etc.).
Once files are encrypted, malicious programs of the Trojan.Encoder family, depending on their modifications, plant text files with instructions on data recovery into different directories or replace Windows Desktop wallpaper with the image that tells the user how to unlock the computer. The amount of ransom demanded for file decryption can vary from several dozens to several thousands of dollars.
If you have fallen victim to a ransomware program, do not transfer money to cybercriminals and never attempt to eliminate the problem by yourself (do not reinstall the operating system and do not delete any files), because such actions can result in all the encrypted data being permanently lost. To recover your files, contact Doctor Web technical support (free decryption service is only available to users who have purchased commercial licenses for Dr.Web products).
Secondo le statistiche ogni quinto programma per SO Android contiene una vulnerabilità (ovvero un "buco"), il che permette ai malfattori di introdurre con successo trojan mobili sui dispositivi e di eseguire le azioni richieste.
Auditor di sicurezza in Dr.Web per Android farà la diagnostica e l’analisi della sicurezza del dispositivo mobile, proporrà soluzioni per risolvere i problemi e le vulnerabilità rilevate.