- 7ddb13b30063213564920e04aba1cda022782a3d
- f59aef06608c31bb49e31ce47e2a333cb7a27dc2
A Trojan for Android that is incorporated into various software published on Google Play and other application stores.
Android.SockBot.1 starts operating either once it is launched or once the system is booted. To launch itself, the Trojan monitors the system event android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED.
Then, depending on a version of the Trojan, Android.SockBot.1 connects to the command and control (C&C) server 136.243.***.159 or dfm.*** If successful, it sends the string “HELLO\n”. The C&C server replies with the following instructions:
- “HELLO” – replies with “HELLO”
- “PING” – replies with “PONG”
- "SLEEP” – pause the operation for two minutes
- "WAIT” – pause the operation for two seconds
- “CREATE,ip,port” – connect to the client, using the IP address and a network port specified in the command. The Trojan then can use an infected device as a proxy server to pass a network traffic through it. The proxy server applies the SOCKS protocol.