Executes the following shell scripts:
- /system/bin/su
- app_process system/bin com.google.provider.vendor.tool.Main /storage/emulated/0/goog1e/data/plugin.apk
- ls -l /system/bin/su
- sh
- sh -c cat /sys/block/mmcblk0/device/cid
- sh -c cat /sys/class/net/wlan0/address
Loads the following dynamic libraries:
- SecShell
- cocos2djs
- libSecShell-x86
- na0857
Uses elevated priveleges.
Uses special library to hide executable bytecode.
Gets information about network.
Gets information about phone status (number, IMEI, etc.).
Displays its own windows over windows of other apps.
Parses information from SMS.
Gets information about sent/received SMS.