La mia libreria
La mia libreria

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Supporto 24/7 | Regole per contattare




Aggiunto al database dei virus Dr.Web: 2012-03-03

La descrizione è stata aggiunta:

Technical Information

To ensure autorun and distribution:
Modifies the following registry keys:
  • [<HKLM>\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] 'UserFaultCheck' = ''
  • [<HKLM>\SOFTWARE\Classes\exefile\shell\open\command] '' = '<SYSTEM32>\IMSIT.EXE Letov %1 %*'
Creates the following services:
  • [<HKLM>\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\NetCtrl] 'Start' = '00000002'
Substitutes the following executable system files:
  • <SYSTEM32>\dllcache\oemig50.exe with <SYSTEM32>\dllcache\
  • <SYSTEM32>\dllcache\shvlzm.exe with <SYSTEM32>\dllcache\
Malicious functions:
To complicate detection of its presence in the operating system,
blocks execution of the following system utilities:
  • Windows Task Manager (Taskmgr)
  • Registry Editor (RegEdit)
Creates and executes the following:
  • <DRIVERS>\smss.exe
Modifies settings of Windows Explorer:
  • [<HKCU>\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer] 'NoControlPanel' = '00000001'
  • [<HKCU>\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer] 'NoDesktop' = '00000001'
  • [<HKCU>\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer] 'NoTrayContextMenu' = '00000001'
  • [<HKCU>\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer] 'NoFileMenu' = '00000001'
Modifies file system :
Creates the following files:
  • %PROGRAM_FILES%\Outlook Express\
  • %PROGRAM_FILES%\MSN Gaming Zone\Windows\
  • <SYSTEM32>\dllcache\
  • <SYSTEM32>\dllcache\
  • <DRIVERS>\smss.exe
  • %WINDIR%\pchealth\ERRORREP\UserDumps\smss.exe.20111114-203731-00.hdmp
  • %WINDIR%\pchealth\ERRORREP\UserDumps\smss.exe.20111114-203731-00.mdmp
Sets the 'hidden' attribute to the following files:
  • <DRIVERS>\smss.exe